Σάββατο, 25 Ιανουαρίου 2025

Τhe School of Chemical Engineering is thrilled to announce the 2025 URIUS awardees:

Eleni Ntalapera (3rd year student) will be joining the lab of Prof. Mattheos Koffas at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute of New York.
Ioannis Bartsotas (3rd year student) will be joining the lab of Prof. Dion Vlachos at the University of Delaware.
Erifyli Christoforidi (5th year student) will be joining the lab of Prof. Dion Vlachos at the University of Delaware.
Anthi Polyzou (5th year student) will be joining the lab of Prof. Marianthi Ierapetritou at the University of Delaware.
Panagiota Kokkoliadi (5th year student) will be joining the lab of Prof. Marianthi Ierapetritou at the University of Delaware.

We received a large number of outstanding applications and the selection process was long and difficult. Due to the academic excellence of the applicants the hosting Professors decided to increase the number of offered internships. As a result, the total number of internships that were offered for the summer of 2025 was five.

Congratulations to the awardees and all the applicants for their incredible accomplishments! We look forward to seeing our students excelling in their research in the United States!