Meeting News
[23.09.2013] The 9th Meeting on Electrowetting will be held in Cincinaty, Ohio, USA, June 23rd to 25th 2014
[01.06.2012] Instructions to Posters Presenters
[28.05.2012] Maps and Directions (Updated)
[28.05.2012] The Meeting Program (Updated)
[09.04.2012] Preliminary Program
[09.04.2012] The deadline for the abstract submission has been extended to 25 April 2012.
Important Dates
Early Registration until: 10 March 2012.
Abstract submission: Before 10 April 2012.
Registration deadline: 10 May 2012.
8th International Meeting on Electrowetting, Athens

The topics that will be covered include principles of electrowetting, modelling and experimental, as well as applications ranging from microfluidics and optics to biomimetics. Especially for this meeting, a series of tutorials covering fundamental electrowetting issues is organized in order to encourage students to participate. Students are strongly encouraged to present their work since ideas are usually connected with them.
The meeting venue is Vouliagmeni, Athens and the attendance will be limited to 100 participants.
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