June 10 - 14, 2024
Alexander Mouzakis joined the "3rd PlAgri Training School (CA19110, plasma applications for smart and sustainable agriculture), Kaunas, Lithuania.
June 10 - 12, 2024
George Kokkoris joined the "14th PESM (plasma etch and strip processes for micro-, nano- and bio-technologies) workshop" in Leuven, Belgium with two communications: "Transition from isotropic to rippling roughness pattern on inclined plasma-etched polymeric substrates: A computational study" and "3D geometrical modeling for etch-induced LER transfer".
May 29 - 31, 2024
George Kokkoris joined the "14th Panhellenic Scientific Conference of Chemical Engineering" in Thessaloniki, Greece. He presented a study with title "Deactivation of tetrodotoxin in Lagocephalus’ fishmeal with plasma technology".
February 16, 2024
Kick-off meeting of project SALVAGE
February 2, 2024
Kick-off meeting of project plasmAI
Publications in peer reviewed journals
- 80. V. Andreou, M. Giannoglou, M.Z. Xanthou, D. Passaras, G. Kokkoris,E. Gogolides, G. Katsaros, Inactivation of pectinmethylesterase in fresh orange juice by cold atmospheric plasma technology: A kinetic study , Innovative Food Sci. Emerg. Technol. 86, 103361 (2023).
- 79. S. Chanioti, M. Giannoglou, P. Stergiou, D. Passaras, P. Dimitrakellis, G. Kokkoris, E. Gogolides, G. Katsaros, Cold-atmospheric-plasma activated-ice as a cooling medium with antimicrobial properties: Case study on fish fillet preservation , Food Research International 167, 12639 (2023)
- 78. L. Stendardo, A. Milionis, G. Kokkoris, C. Stamatopoulos, C.S. Sharma, R. Kumar, M. Donati, D. Poulikakos, Out-of-Plane Biphilic Surface Structuring for Enhanced Capillary-Driven Dropwise Condensation, Langmuir 39, 1585 (2023)
- 77. M. Kitsara, D. Kontziampasis, E. Bolomiti, A. Simon, P. Dimitrakis, A. Miche, G. Kokkoris, V. Humblot, O. Agbulut, Surfaces for hearts: Establishing the optimum plasma surface engineering methodology on polystyrene for cardiac cell engineering, Appl. Surf. Sci. 620, 156822 (2023)
- 76. S. Chanioti, M. Giannoglou, P. Stergiou, D. Passaras, P. Dimitrakellis, G. Kokkoris, E. Gogolides, G. Katsaros, Plasma-activated water for disinfection and quality retention of sea bream fillets: Kinetic evaluation and process optimization, Innovative Food Sci. Emerg. Technol. 85, 103334 (2023)
- 75. P. Skaltsounis, G. Kokkoris, T. Papaioannou, A. Tserepi, Closed loop microreactor on PCB for ultra-fast DNA amplification: design and thermal validation, Micromachines 14, 172 (2023).
- 74. G. Memos, G. Kokkoris, V. Constantoudis, C. W. E. Lam, A. Tripathy,E. Mitridis, A. Milionis, D. Poulikakos, E. Gogolides, The role of shadowed droplets in condensation heat transfer, Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 197, 123297 (2022)
- 73. E Skotadis, E Aslanidis, G Kokkoris, EAV Kousoulas, A Tserepi, D. Tsoukalas, Flow determination via nanoparticle strain sensors for easy Lab on Chip integration, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 344, 113765 (2022)
- 72. S. Mouchtouris, G. Kokkoris, A. G. Boudouvis, Predicting power-voltage characteristics and mode transitions in the COST reference microplasma jet, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 55, 355203 (2022)
- 71. M. Kavousanakis, N. Cheimarios, G. Kokkoris, A. G. Boudouvis, On the effect of self-sustained periodic flows on film thickness non-uniformity during CVD , Computers & Chemical Engineering 161, 107775 (2022)
- 70. V. E. Papadopoulos, I. N. Kefala, G. D. Kaprou, A. Tserepi, G. Kokkoris , Modeling heat losses in microfluidic devices: the case of static chamber devices for DNA amplification, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 184, 122011 (2022)
- 69. D. Passaras, E. Amanatides, G. Kokkoris , A hybrid computational framework for the simulation of atmospheric pressure plasma jets: The importance of the gas flow model, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 30, 125018 (2021)
- 68. N. Cheimarios, D. To, G. Kokkoris, G. Memos, A. G. Boudouvis, Monte Carlo & Kinetic Monte Carlo Models For Deposition Processes: A Review of Recent Works, Frontiers in Physics 9, 631938 (2021)
- 67. A. G. Hadjigeorgiou, A. G. Boudouvis, G. Kokkoris, Thorough computational analysis of the staggered herringbone micromixer reveals transport mechanisms and enables mixing efficiency-based improved design, Chemical Engineering Journal 414, 128775 (2021)
- 66. G. Memos, E. Lidorikis, E. Gogolides, G. Kokkoris, A hybrid modeling framework for the investigation of surface roughening of polymers during oxygen plasma etching, J.Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54, 175205 (2021).
- 65. (letter) S. Mouchtouris and G. Kokkoris, A novel plasma fluid model for fast 2D calculations in capacitively coupled atmospheric pressure plasma jets, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 30 01LT01 (2021).
- 64. K. Tsougeni, G. Kaprou, C.M. Loukas, G. Papadakis, A. Hamiot, M. Eck, D. Rabus, G. Kokkoris, S. Chatzandroulis, V. Papadopoulos, B. Dupuy, G. Jobst, E. Gizeli, A. Tserepi, E. Gogolides, Lab-on-Chip platform and protocol for rapid foodborne pathogen detection comprising on-chip cell capture, lysis, DNA amplification and surface-acoustic-wave detection, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 320, 128345 (2020).
- 63. D. Passaras, E. Amanatides, G. Kokkoris, Predicting the flow of cold plasma jets in kINPen: A critical evaluation of turbulent models, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 53, 265202 (2020).
- 62. G. D. Kaprou, V. Papadopoulos, C. M. Loukas, G. Kokkoris, A. Tserepi, Towards PCB-Based Miniaturized Thermocyclers for DNA Amplification, Micromachines 11, 258 (2020).
- 61. N. Cheimarios, G. Kokkoris, A. G. Boudouvis, Multiscale Modeling in Chemical Vapor Deposition Processes: Models and Methodologies , Arch. Computat. Methods Eng. (2020),
- 60. G. Kaprou, V. Papadopoulos, D. Papageorgiou, G. Papadakis, S. Chatzandroulis, G. Kokkoris, and A. Tserepi, Ultrafast, PCB manufacturable, continuous-flow microdevice for DNA amplification” , Anal Bioanal Chem (2019).
- 59. N.Vourdas, G. Pashos, E. Rizos, G. Kokkoris, E. Tsampasis, E. Klouvidaki, A. G. Boudouvis, V. N. Stathopoulos, Plug actuation and active manipulation in closed monolithic fluidics using backpressure , Microelectron. Eng. 216, 111046 (2019)
- 58. V. Krokos, G. Pashos, A. Spyropoulos, G. Kokkoris, A. G. Papathanasiou, A. G. Boudouvis Optimization of patterned surfaces for improved superhydrophobicity through cost-effective large-scale computations, Langmuir 35, 6793 (2019).
- 57. N. Cheimarios, M. Kavousanakis, G. Kokkoris and A. G. Boudouvis, Beware of symmetry breaking and periodic flow regimes in axisymmetric CVD reactor setups , Computers & Chemical Engineering 124, 124 (2019).
- 56. G. Memos, E. Lidorikis, and G. Kokkoris, Surface charging and roughness evolution in plasma based surface engineering of polymeric substrates: The effects of ion reflection and secondary electron emission, Micromachines 9, 415 (2018).
- 55. G. P. Chrysinas, G. Pashos, N. Vourdas, G. Kokkoris, V.N. Stathopoulos, and A.G. Boudouvis, Computational investigation of actuation mechanisms of droplets on porous air-permeable substrates , Soft Matter 14, 6090 (2018).
- 54. G. Memos, E. Lidorikis, and G. Kokkoris, The interplay between surface charging and microscale roughness during plasma etching of polymeric substrates, J. Appl. Phys. 123, 073303 (2018).
- 53. S. Mouchtouris and G. Kokkoris, A generalized electron energy probability function for inductively coupled plasmas under conditions of nonlocal electron kinetics, J. Appl. Phys. 123, 023301 (2018).
- 52. S. Mouchtouris and G. Kokkoris, Multiscale modeling of low pressure plasma etching processes: Linking the operating parameters of the plasma reactor with surface roughness evolution , Plasma Process. Polym. 14, 1600147 (2017).
- 51. A. S. Kastania, K. Tsougeni, G. Papadakis, E. Gizeli, G. Kokkoris, A. Tserepi, E. Gogolides, Plasma micro-nanotextured polymeric micromixer for DNA purification with high efficiency and dynamic range, Analytica Chimica Acta 942, 58 (2016).
- 50. N. Vourdas, G. Pashos, G. Kokkoris, A. G. Boudouvis, V. N. Stathopoulos, Droplet mobility manipulation on porous media using backpressure , Langmuir 32, 5250 (2016).
- 49. S. Mouchtouris and G. Kokkoris, A hybrid model for low pressure inductively coupled plasmas combining a fluid model for electrons with a plasma-potential-dependent energy distribution and a fluid-Monte Carlo model for ions , Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 25, 025007 (2016).
- 48. G. D. Kaprou, G. Papadakis, D. P. Papageorgiou, G. Kokkoris, V. Papadopoulos, I. Kefala, E. Gizeli, A. Tserepi, Miniaturized devices for isothermal DNA amplification addressing DNA diagnostics, Microsyst. Technol. 22, 1529 (2016).
- 47. G. Pashos, G. Kokkoris, and A. G. Boudouvis, Wetting transitions on patterned surfaces with diffuse interaction potentials embedded in a Young-Laplace formulation , J. Chem. Phys. 144, 034105 (2016).
- 46. G. Memos and G. Kokkoris, Modeling of charging on unconventional surface morphologies of PMMA substrates during Ar plasma etching , Plasma Process. Polym. 13, 565 (2016).
- 45. A. Tserepi, E. Gogolides, A. Bourkoula, A. Kanioura, G. Kokkoris, P. S. Petrou, S. Kakabakos, Plasma Nanotextured Polymeric Surfaces for Controlling Cell Attachment and Proliferation: A Short Review, Plasma Chem. Plasma P. 36, 107 (2016).
- 44. N. Cheimarios, G. Kokkoris, and A. G. Boudouvis, A multi-parallel multiscale computational framework for chemical vapor deposition processes , J. Comp. Sci. 15, 81 (2016).
- 43. I. N. Kefala, V. E. Papadopoulos, G. Karpou, G. Kokkoris, G. Papadakis, and A. Tserepi, A labyrinth split and merge micromixer for bioanalytical applications, Microfluid. Nanofluid. 19, 1047 (2015).
- 42. V. E. Papadopoulos, G. Kokkoris, I. N. Kefala, and A. Tserepi, Comparison of continuous-flow and static-chamber μPCR devices through a computational study: the potential of flexible polymeric substrates , Microfluid. Nanofluid. 19, 867 (2015).
- 41. G. Pashos, G. Kokkoris, and A. G. Boudouvis, Minimum Energy Paths of Wetting Transitions on Grooved Surfaces , Langmuir, 31, 3059 (2015).
- 40. G. Pashos, G. Kokkoris, and A. G. Boudouvis, A modified phase-field method for the investigation of wetting transitions of droplets on patterned surfaces , J. Comp. Phys. 283, 258 (2015).
- 39. I. G. Aviziotis, T. Duguet, K. Soussi, G. Kokkoris, N. Cheimarios, C. Vahlas, A. G. Boudouvis, Investigation of the kinetics of the chemical vapor deposition of aluminum from dimethylethylamine alane: Experiments and computations", Phys. Status Solidi C 12, 923 (2015).
- 38. N. Kallikounis, G. Kokkoris, N. Cheimarios, A. G. Boudouvis, Designing non-uniform wafer micro-topography for macroscopic uniformity in multiscale chemical vapor deposition processes , Chem. Vapor Depos. 20, 364 (2014).
- 37. D. Moschou, N. Vourdas, G. Kokkoris, G. Papadakis, J. Parthenios, S. Chatzandroulis, A. Tserepi, All-plastic, low-power, disposable, continuous-flow PCR chip with integrated microheaters for rapid DNA amplification , Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical 199, 470 (2014).
- 36. V. E. Papadopoulos, I. N. Kefala, G. Kaprou, G. Kokkoris, D. Moschou, G. Papadakis, E. Gizeli, A. Tserepi, A passive micromixer for enzymatic digestion of DNA , Microelectron. Eng. 124, 42 (2014).
- 35. N. Škoro, N. Puač, S. Lazović, U. Cvelbar, G. Kokkoris, E. Gogolides, Characterization of Hydrogen-based RF plasmas suitable for surface cleaning processes: Validation of H atom actinometry in low-pressure H2 plasmas , J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 46, 475206 (2013).
- 34. V. Constantoudis, G. Kokkoris, E. Gogolides, Three-dimensional geometrical modeling of plasma transfer effects on line edge roughness: comparison with experiments and rules of thumb, J. Micro/Nanolith. MEMS MOEMS 12, 041310 (2013).
- 33. G. Kokkoris, P. Brault, A. L. Thomann, A. Caillard, D. Samelor, A. G. Boudouvis, C. Vahlas, Ballistic and molecular dynamics simulations of aluminum deposition in micro-trenches , Thin Solid Films 536, 115 (2013).
- 32. N. Cheimarios, G. Kokkoris, A. G. Boudouvis, An efficient parallel fixed point iteration method for multiscale analysis of chemical vapor deposition processes, App. Num. Math. 67, 78 (2013).
- 31. M. Vlachopoulou, G. Kokkoris, C. Cardinaud, E. Gogolides, and A. Tserepi, Plasma etching of poly(dimethylsiloxane): roughness formation, mechanism, control, and application in the fabrication of microfluidic structures , Plasma Processes and Polymers 10, 29 (2013).
- 30. N. Cheimarios, G. Kokkoris, A. G. Boudouvis, Multiscale Computational Analysis of the Interaction between the Wafer Micro-Topography and the Film Growth Regimes in Chemical Vapor Deposition Processes , ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology 1, P197 (2012).
- 29. G. Kokkoris and E. Gogolides, The potential of ion-driven etching with simultaneous deposition of impurities for inducing periodic dots on surfaces , J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 45, 165204 (2012).
- 28. Y. Ros, G. L. Vignoles, C. Germain, P. Supiot, G. Kokkoris, Simulation of Chemical Vapor Infiltration and Deposition Based on 3D Images: A Local Scale Approach , Chemical Vapor Deposition 17, 312 (2011).
- 27. (invited) G. Kokkoris, Toward control of plasma induced surface roughness: Simultaneous to plasma etching deposition, EPJ Appl. Phys. 56, 24012 (2011).
- 26. N. Cheimarios, S. Garnelis, G. Kokkoris, A. G. Boudouvis, Linking the operating parameters of chemical vapor deposition reactors with film conformality and surface nano-morphology, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 11, 8132 (2011).
- 25. E. Mavraki, D. Moschou, G. Kokkoris, N. Vourdas, S. Chatzandroulis, and A. Tserepi, A continuous flow μPCR device with integrated microheaters on a flexible polyimide substrate, Procedia Engineering 25, 1245 (2011).
- 24. (invited)E. Gogolides, A. Tserepi, V. Constantoudis, G. Kokkoris, D. Kontziampasis, K. Tsougeni, G. Boulousis, M. Vlachopoulou, Controlling roughness: From etching to nanotexturing and plasma directed organization on organic and inorganic materials , J. Phys. D.: Appl. Phys. 44, 174021 (2011).
- 23. V. Constantoudis, G. Kokkoris, E. Gogolides, E. Pargon, M. Martin, Effect of resist sidewall morphology on line-edge roughenss reduction and transfer during etching: Is the resist sidewall after development isotropic or anisotropic?, Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS 9, 041209 (2010).
- 22. N. Cheimarios, G. Kokkoris, A. G. Boudouvis, Multiscale modeling in chemical vapor deposition processes: Coupling reactor scale with feature scale computations , Chem. Eng. Sci. 65, 5018 (2010).
- 21. N. Vourdas, D. Kontziampasis, G. Kokkoris, V. Constantoudis, A. Goodyear, A. Tserepi, M. Cooke, E. Gogolides, Plasma directed assembly and organization: Bottom-up nanopatterning using a top-down technology, Nanotechnology 21, 085302 (2010).
- 20. V. Constantoudis, G. Kokkoris, P. Xydi, E. Gogolides, E. Pargon, M. Martin, Line Edge Roughness transfer during plasma etching: Modeling approaches and comparison with experimental results, Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS 8, 043004 (2009).
- 19. G. Kokkoris, V. Constantoudis, E. Gogolides, Nanoscale Roughness Effects at the interface of Lithography and Plasma Etching: Modelling of Line Edge Roughness (LER) Transfer during Plasma Etching , IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 37, 1705 (2009).
- 18. V. Constantoudis, G. Kokkoris, P. Xydi, G. P. Patsis, E. Gogolides, Modeling of line edge roughness transfer during plasma etching , Microelectron. Eng. 86, 968 (2009).
- 17. M. Hauguth, B.E. Volland, V. Ishchuk, D. Dressler, T. Danz, I.W. Rangelow, G. Kokkoris, E. Gogolides, A. Goodyear, M. Cooke, Integrated plasma processing simulation framework, linking tool scale plasma models with 2D feature scale etch simulator, Microelectron. Eng. 86, 976 (2009).
- 16. G. Kokkoris, A. Panagiotopoulos, A. Goodyear, M. Cooke, E. Gogolides, A global model for SF6 plasmas coupling reaction kinetics in the gas phase and on the surface of the reactor walls , J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42, 055209 (2009).
- 15. G. Kokkoris, A. Goodyear, M. Cooke, E. Gogolides, A global model for C4F8 plasmas coupling gas phase and wall surface reaction kinetics, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41, 195211 (2008).
- 14. G. Kokkoris, N. Vourdas, E. Gogolides, Plasma Etching and Roughening of Thin Polymeric Films: A Fast, Accurate, In Situ Method of Surface Roughness Measurement, Plasma Processes & Polymers 5, 825 (2008).
- 13. G. Boulousis, V. Constantoudis, G. Kokkoris, E. Gogolides, Formation and metrology of dual scale nano-morphology on SF6 plasma etched silicon surfaces , Nanotechnology 19, 255301 (2008).
- 12. D. Drygiannakis, G.P. Patsis, N. Tsikrikas, G. Kokkoris, A. Boudouvis, I. Raptis, E. Gogolides and P. Argitis, Stochastic simulation studies of molecular resists for the 32nm technology node , Microelectron. Eng. 85, 949 (2008).
- 11. G. Kokkoris, A. Tserepi, E. Gogolides, The potential of neutral beams for deep Si nano-structure etching, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys 41, 024004 (2008).
- 10. G. Kokkoris, V. Constantoudis, P. Angelikopoulos, G. Boulousis, E. Gogolides, Dual nano-scale roughness on Si plasma etched surfaces: The role of etch inhibitors , Phys. Rev. B 76, 193405 (2007).
- 9. G. Kokkoris, A. G. Boudouvis, E. Gogolides, Integrated framework for the flux calculation of neutral species inside trenches and holes during plasma etching , J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 24, 2008 (2006).
- 8. G. Kokkoris, A. Tserepi, A. G. Boudouvis, E. Gogolides, Simulation of SiO2 and Si feature etching for microelectronics and MEMS fabrication: a combined simulator coupling modules of surface etching, local flux calculation, and profile evolution, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 22, 1896 (2004).
- 7. E. Gogolides, C. Boukouras, G. Kokkoris, O. Brani, A. Tserepi, V. Constantoudis, Si etching in high-density SF6 plasmas for microfabrication: surface roughness formation , Microelectron. Eng. 73-74, 312 (2004).
- 6. A. Tserepi, C. Tsamis, G. Kokkoris, E. Gogolides, A. G. Nassiopoulou, Fabrication of suspended thermally insulating membranes using frontside micromachining of the Si substrate: characterization of the etching process , J. Micromech. Microeng. 13, 1 (2003).
- 5. G. Kokkoris, E. Gogolides, A. G. Boudouvis, Etching of SiO2 features in fluorocarbon plasmas: Explanation and prediction of gas-phase-composition effects on aspect ratio dependent phenomena in trenches, J. Appl. Phys. 91, 2697 (2002).
- 4. G. Kokkoris, E. Gogolides, A. G. Boudouvis, Simulation of fluorocarbon plasma etching of SiO2 structures, Microelectron. Eng. 57-58, 599 (2001).
- 3. E. Gogolides, P. Vauvert, G. Kokkoris, G. Turban, A. G. Boudouvis, SiO2 and Si etching in fluorocarbon plasmas: A detailed surface model accounting for etching and deposition , J. Appl. Phys. 88, 5570 (2000).
- 2. G. Kokkoris, E. Gogolides, A. G. Boudouvis, SiO2 and Si etching in fluorocarbon plasmas: Coupling of a surface model with a profile evolution simulator, Microelectron. Eng. 53, 395 (2000).
- 1. E. Gogolides, P. Vauvert, Y. Courtin, G. Kokkoris, R. Pelle, A. G. Boudouvis, G. Turban, SiO2 and Si etching in fluorocarbon plasmas: A detailed surface model coupled with a complete plasma and profile simulator, Microelectron. Eng. 46, 311 (1999).
Enhancing plasma etching efficiency, repeatability, and environmental footprint via AI-based modeling and optimization
1/2/2024 - 31/1/2027
Intel - Merck (Industrial project)
PlaSma Assisted ChemicaL SolVolysis of CArbon and Glass FibErs Reinforced Polymers
1/2/2024 - 31/1/2026
Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI), Greece 2.0, Basic Research Financing Action, Sub-action 2, Funding Projects in Leading-Edge Sectors (HFRI ID: 15231)
Vortex enhanced liquid chromatography for HbA1c monitoring based diabetes management in a globalized setting
1/3/2022 - 28/2/2026
Funded under: HORIZON-EIC-2021-PATHFINDEROPEN-01-01 (Grant Agreement ID: 101047029)
Alternative exploitation of non-native fish species of genous Lagocephalus Production of fishmeal for use in the diet of Mediterranean farmed mariculture species
27/11/2020 - 26/11/2023
Fisheries and Marine Operational Programme 2014 - 2020 (MIS: 5067491)
Tutor: George Kokkoris
Transport Phenomena I: Fluid Mechanics
Undergraduate course, 4th semester, School of Chemical Engineering, NTUA
Industrial Reactor Engineering
Undergraduate Course, 9th semester, School of Chemical Engineering, NTUA
Dispersion of Pollutants
Undergraduate Course, 8th & 10th semesters, School of Chemical Engineering, NTUA
Computational Analysis of Processes in Macro- and Microreactors
Graduate course, 2nd semester, Master's program on Computational Mechanics
Fabrication and Characterization of Nanostructures
Graduate course, 2nd semester, Master's program on Microsystems and Nanodevices
Fabrication Processes for Micro- and Nano-systems
Graduate course, 1st semester, Master's program on Microsystems and Nanodevices