Modeling and experimental study
of processes & systems


Research keywords:



June 10 - 12, 2024

George Kokkoris joined the "14th PESM (plasma etch and strip processes for micro-, nano- and bio-technologies) workshop" in Leuven, Belgium with two communications: "Transition from isotropic to rippling roughness pattern on inclined plasma-etched polymeric substrates: A computational study" and "3D geometrical modeling for etch-induced LER transfer".

May 29 - 31, 2024

George Kokkoris joined the "14th Panhellenic Scientific Conference of Chemical Engineering" in Thessaloniki, Greece. He presented a study with title "Deactivation of tetrodotoxin in Lagocephalus’ fishmeal with plasma technology".

February 16, 2024

Kick-off meeting of project SALVAGE

February 2, 2024

Kick-off meeting of project plasmAI


Chemical Engineer, Master in Microelectronics, PhD in Chemical Engineering

George Kokkoris

Group leader

Physicist, Master in Microelectronics and in Telecommunications, PhD in Chemical Engineering
Modeling and experimental study of atmospheric pressure plasma processes.

Dimitrios Passaras

Post-Doctoral Researcher

Physicist, Master in Microelectronics
Computational and experimental analysis of low and atmospheric pressure plasma processes.

Sotiris Mouctouris

PhD candidate

Electrical and Computer Engineer, Master in Microsystems & Nanodevices and in Automation Systems
Modeling and development of microfluidic devices and microsystems

Vassilios Papadopolos

PhD Candidate

Chemical Engineer
Experimental study and modeling of atmospheric pressure plasma procesess

Alexandros Mouzakis

PhD Candidate

Chemical Engineer
Modeling and computational analysis of low pressure plasma processes

Eneri Boniakou

PhD Candidate

Publications in peer reviewed journals



Enhancing plasma etching efficiency, repeatability, and environmental footprint via AI-based modeling and optimization
1/2/2024 - 31/1/2027
Intel - Merck (Industrial project)


PlaSma Assisted ChemicaL SolVolysis of CArbon and Glass FibErs Reinforced Polymers
1/2/2024 - 31/1/2026
Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI), Greece 2.0, Basic Research Financing Action, Sub-action 2, Funding Projects in Leading-Edge Sectors (HFRI ID: 15231)


Vortex enhanced liquid chromatography for HbA1c monitoring based diabetes management in a globalized setting
1/3/2022 - 28/2/2026
Funded under: HORIZON-EIC-2021-PATHFINDEROPEN-01-01 (Grant Agreement ID: 101047029)


Alternative exploitation of non-native fish species of genous Lagocephalus Production of fishmeal for use in the diet of Mediterranean farmed mariculture species
27/11/2020 - 26/11/2023
Fisheries and Marine Operational Programme 2014 - 2020 (MIS: 5067491)


Tutor: George Kokkoris

Transport Phenomena I: Fluid Mechanics

Undergraduate course, 4th semester, School of Chemical Engineering, NTUA

Industrial Reactor Engineering

Undergraduate Course, 9th semester, School of Chemical Engineering, NTUA

Dispersion of Pollutants

Undergraduate Course, 8th & 10th semesters, School of Chemical Engineering, NTUA


Graduate course, 2nd semester, Master's program on Microsystems and Nanodevices

Fabrication Processes for Micro- and Nano-systems

Graduate course, 1st semester, Master's program on Microsystems and Nanodevices